Post by Narkeasha on Aug 5, 2008 20:50:53 GMT -5
Narkeasha circled, if she were to be forced to fight she would at least know his weaknessess and his strengths. She saw his dark belt, his toned dials that stomped impatiently. His orbs drawing an angry energy to them that made her shudder, of course any male makes her shudder no matter their appearance she sees them as the Brute. His banner moved in gentle swishes, disturbing gnats that were determined to land on his hot bodice. She herself was a different creature to look at. Prominant features that made her almost elfin life, but she was and always would be a feline. Her brows furrowed by his impatient aura, he was undoubtedly disturbed by her presence. That was no problem to her, she would happily escape if she could. The sun though was almost in it's bed and she would have to hunt n the dark, which she did not look forward to. Devil creatures lurk in the shadows, real or imagined. Her maw pened to speak, No worries. she said slowly like he was a dunce, It means no worries. Anymore pointless questions?
Post by ⎨ .::Ice::. ⎨ on Aug 9, 2008 13:52:26 GMT -5
"Pointless questions?"
Ice crept closer to the female. And whispered into her ear. "Pointless questions? I do not wish to ask pointless questions. But here's a good one. Do you want to stay the night in the Outlands. Or are you leaving?" Ice didn't want to sound mean or inviting. Just sort of..in the middle. I don't know if I should have invited this female to my Outlands. But I do want to hunt tonight..and an addition to the Outlands should make us stronger than those lazy Pridelanders! Ice's fur of course laid down again at the thought of this and was mad that he hadn't thought of this advantage over the Pridelands before. Of course; a lion's instinct to defend it's land always comes first;;
"I do not wish to ask pointless questions."
Post by Narkeasha on Aug 11, 2008 2:12:08 GMT -5
ma y b e i will maybe i w o n t//
Narkeasha hissed, pulling away from Ice as he whispered. She shivered, unbelieving hat she had gotten so close to a male. She was frozen, all she wanted was to get away. She was scared, she didn't want the past to happen again. Hurting her more, tearing her heart further. She snarled, "I want nothing to do with you." she wrinkled her face to project her distaste fr him more, "I just want to hunt, dammit." She stamped her paw angrily into the sand. At that moment it was total darkness, well not really. She could see just fine with her night vision but for other's it was pitch black accept for the pale moon. She reconsidered her self, she hated staying out when the moon was small and offered her little comfort, she looked at Ice reluctantly, "Maybe..." she said almost inaudible, did he hear her? Maybe she would come with him.
//j u s t wait and s e e
Post by ⎨ .::Ice::. ⎨ on Aug 13, 2008 8:26:26 GMT -5
-->As Ice backed off, he couldn't believe that this female could be afraid...
Ice slowly moved away. If this female is going to stay in the Outlands;;then I need to tell our males to keep away from this one. For we might make her run to the Pridelands, we don't want that! Ice backed off more. He couldn't believe that this female would be afraid...of what?Males? Ice was starting to realize what was going on. "Okay..You can hunt if you want. Have you ever hunted in the dark? We Outlanders always hunt in the dark. I can show you some hunting crouches..If you want..." Ice's voice trailed off.
What? Males?[/size]
Post by Narkeasha on Aug 14, 2008 0:19:16 GMT -5
N a r k e a s h a//
My Trust Is l o c k e d AwaY
Narkeasha's auds twitched listening to Ice's voice. She relaxed wathcing him realize her precautions. He would finally know her limits. One of which we be being told what to do. She would not handle that for even a second. She was a free spirit. Especially since she is living alone, there is no one for her spirit to attach to. But things changed, she moved with the wind and set with the sun. Not literally of course. She moved like the wind, in scattered directions never knowing her true course or ambitions. Setting with the sun wold be her time when she would die, and in her current state it could happen. Prey wasn't as abundant as she preffered, as anyone prefered but she was a survivor. She had no choice. If it weren't for her pas she would have gone back to the Pridelands in a heartbeat, but now she is not familiar to them. By now surely her generation is forgotten. She wanted something inside her, she longed to be full with fresh kill. I can hunt in the dark. she said calmly in a obvious manner, Don't know how many hunting techniques there can be when you live alone. a tone of muse was in it, but just barely. She was rarely in a happy mood.
do YoU have the K e y??
Post by ⎨ .::Ice::. ⎨ on Aug 17, 2008 12:12:39 GMT -5
//I will//
Ice crouched low. His tail twitching each time it hit the earth. And picked it up so it didn't swing or hit the earth. His ears were up high; and front paws leaned back so he could be ready to spring up at an animal. This is a crouch to use when going after a squirrel, or other jumpy animals. Want to try? He moved quickly out of the way. The moon was out brightly tonight, and was in Ice's eyes. Let's see it she knows how to hunt;; His fur pricked, for it was starting to get cooler. Brush, brush. It was a rustle in the bushes. A squirrel perhaps? No. A small mouse. I'll show her another move. He put his belly low to the ground, but made sure his fur didn't brush against the earth. He then carefully moved his paws,swiftly in front of him, and at the last second;;striked! Haha! That mouse didn't even have a chance! He held the tail between his claws, and swang it in front of his mouth.
//Find it//
Post by Narkeasha on Aug 21, 2008 13:09:31 GMT -5
Narkeasha growled as Ice ignored her comment completely, but she decided to let it go and watch as his bodice slunk low to the ground. She noted how he avoided from his barrel brushing against the terra. An enemy when it gives you away to prey. When hunting your whole being must blend with the earth, working together to be as silent as the grave its self. So the evolutionized ears of your victims don't pick up that your nearby, stalking their every move. She knew this well, from trial and error, the least graceful way to learn your trade. But she had experience now and knew very well wat Ice was doing. But she accepted him on hi offer without answer. Her lobes pricked at the sound of a scuffling mouse. That wasn't very filling, but it was a good pratice target.Her physique cringed to the terra, her shoulder blades patruding through her pelt, giving her the feline appearnace that binded all cats, large and small. Lowering her crania, she focused her opticals. Zero-ing in on the slight movement of the weed grass. A devious smirk creeped along her maw. Suddenly, her placers pushed of the sand, pushing her into the airwith all her leg strength. In mid-flight she manuevered her barrel of course bringing her bodice towards Ice. She retracted her daggers, no ivories bared, except when she pulled them into a smile. She landed upon the king, both tumbling tot he grass. She chuckled, "How'd i do?" musing to her surpise attack.