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No New Posts King&Queen's den;;

Laying at the edge of Pride Rock, there is a small den for the King and the Queen to sleep in. This den is made of rock and holds moss to keep them warm, or cold[If you put water in the moss]. This is the most important den on Pride rock; because here the King and Queen announce who is a Warrior, and [If they're dieing] who will be the next King and/or Queen of The Pridelands!

Moderator: ⎨ .::Ice::. ⎨

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No New Posts Lion's Cave;;

The Lion's Cave is where all the other Lions of Pride Rock sleep. These Rocks are sharp, but have grass from the fields of the Prideland so they don't get rocks in their fur. These Lions are strong and could handle it. But the grass gives them comfort throughout the night.

Moderator: ⎨ .::Ice::. ⎨

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No New Posts Hunter's Pile;; - 1 Viewing

The Pile of Prey is here. This pile takes up most of the space on the Rock. It is smack in the middle of the dens where the Lion's Sleep. In the winter;this pile is really small in the winter; but in the summer and spring the pile is filled with antelope and fat juicy mice.

Moderator: ⎨ .::Ice::. ⎨

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P r i d e l a n d s

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newBookmarkLockedFalling >> Prideland RP
♥ Takirah ♥ 6 580 by kyto7878
Feb 6, 2009 20:15:23 GMT -5


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P r i d e l a n d s
Located on a field, the Lions of this land are good hunters;; but do better with undergrowth;; to hide them from their prey. These lands have juicy prey, and can have large animals to feed all of the pride. The Lions of the Pridelands have a very big territory;;the grass is long enough; and short enough to make it easy to hunt and fight in the grassy lands of the Pridelands.
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